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Ammonia (NH3), the colorless, pungent gas, is an excellent source of hydrogen in its liquid form, containing twice as much hydrogen as liquid hydrogen by volume. Liquid ammonia can be stored in large tanks at room temperature and is safer than propane and as safe as gasoline. More than 200 million tons of ammonia are produced each year and distributed globally via pipelines, tankers & trucks, making ammonia readily available and cheap.
Diesel is commonly used fuel, easily accessible and relatively inexpensive. However diesel is highly polluting to the atmosphere and to soil and is easily stolen and resold for a multiplicity of uses, especially in remote areas. Like diesel, ammonia is a readily-available liquid fuel and has a developed transportation and logistical infrastructure. But ammonia is superior to diesel as it is significantly less expensive than diesel, does not pollute the environment and is less likely to be stolen and resold as its use is relatively specialized.
The GenCell FOX power solution unleashes the power of fuel cells by using an inexpensive and easily accessible liquid fuel–ammonia—to provide emission-free, reliable energy for telecoms, schools, water purification and more. And it’s extremely efficient: a single 12-ton tank of ammonia can fuel a base station 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This makes the GenCell FOX solution ideal for use in remote locations that lack grid access or where the grid is unstable and backup power is frequently required.