

GenCell manufactures, sells and services fuel-cell based power solutions for utilities, telecom, homeland security, healthcare and niche industry markets. With the recent events of hurricanes and earthquakes many people have been searching for generators to keep and restore power in a grid down situation. GenCell has recently acquired the IEEE 693 seismic equipement standard for the G5rx utility backup power solution. With the IEEE 693 certification GenCell is poised to be the top choice in hydrogen fuel cell backup generators.

Mr. Reshef explained that the G5rx utility backup power station had to go through a series of non-nuclear shake tests at the Environmental Testing Laboratory (ETL) in Dallas, TX. The system was tested at a 1.0g performance level that is equivalent to a ground level AC156 test SDS of 2.5g. This is important because the highest reading from the earthquake in Mexico was 0.34g and the G5rx utility backup power station is rated at 3x’s more for than the highest recording from the Mexico earthquake. With the IEEE 693 certification GenCell is capable of being in any seismic zone to provide instantaneous power backup if there is a grid down situation.

Read the full article on PennEnergy:

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